Angela Murrell
Angela Murrell

Here is a digital space where all my ideas, thoughts, discoveries, tools, templates, designs, and resources can live!

Committing to writing it all down helps to create a database of goodies that I can reference later. Making it shareable means it is accessible to anyone else who has the same interests and curiosities.

What you might not know…

My topics will vary: from TechnologyTechnologyDiscussing web technologies, DevOps, AI, cloud, and more – it is going to get nerdy here!
🙈 This section is in the works! It takes a while to build a "second brain", but in the meantime, you can explore all the topics I’m writing about to find what’s available and piques your interest.
to TheoriesTheoriesExplorations into various coined theories (eg. 'Bucket Theory'). Piloted in the real world first, I am bringing these 'in real life' conversations to a digital, more permanent home.
🙈 This section is in the works! It takes a while to build a "second brain", but in the meantime, you can explore all the topics I’m writing about to find what’s available and piques your interest.
to StoriesView All StoriesA space for excellent storytelling, for people who enjoy reading. Let these stories inspire you to tell your own!
People tend to like:
to RecipesView All RecipesApproachable, repeatable, mostly meal-prepable recipes. These are the ones my friends are nagging me for.
People tend to like:
. Read what you came for, explore what you didn’t.
On every post, I create and provide downloadable resources, making what you read more actionable.
You can collaborate on a project, get help with planning, or "pick my brain". Book Consultation for personalized guidance and implementation.
Readers can create with me by submitting responses in their chosen medium, that I backlink to, thereby “linking in public”.
See how my garden grows over time. Going beyond a static about page, you get more gradually tracked context via the Timeline.
As a digital garden🌱 Digital Garden – A personal online space where ideas are cultivated like plants in a garden, allowing for continuous growth and evolution. This concept allows for early publishing of thoughts, which can be refined over time within a space that you own and design. For a deeper dive into this philosophy, read Maggie Appleton’s essay on Digital Gardens., I plant ideas early and tend to them over time. Each post indicates its evolution: noodle, simmer, and al dente.
Committed to having a nice web to browse, I personally built this site. No paywall, no ads, no “likes” or “follows”. How refreshing!
Via monthly(ish) update emails, I invite subscribers to tap into my latest thoughts, voting and reacting to them by “sliding into my inbox”.
There’s an RSS feed you can add, in case you like getting updates delivered outside of your email inbox.

 Explore this digital garden – at various stages of maturity.

This site is rooted in the philosophy of digital gardening🌱 Digital Garden – A personal online space where ideas are cultivated like plants in a garden, allowing for continuous growth and evolution. This concept allows for early publishing of thoughts, which can be refined over time within a space that you own and design. For a deeper dive into this philosophy, read Maggie Appleton’s essay on Digital Gardens., which has enabled me to post my ideas freely, commit to growth and learning in public, and arranging this site to be explored. This differs from traditional blogging, where posts are perfected before publishing them, ordered by a timeline of when that publishing takes place, and not often updated or altered over time, despite comments or feedback.

Arranged to be explored

Much like walking through a garden, the layout avoids a timeline to arrange the posts, so that you might come to each piece out of paths of interest and curiosity. Take a look at the topics and see what piques your interest.

Learning in Public

Posting early makes the barrier to learning or sharing ideas much lower. It encourages community involvement, both of my in-person community and my online readers. By making my writing and this learning process accessible online, other people can benefit from my effort, insights, prompts, etc.

 Stages of Maturity

You’ll find that my posts are at different stages of maturity. It is important to be transparent about what I am planting in the garden. A status helps indicate what stage of effort, research, and iterative improvement it has received.

Below are the status indicators you’ll find on the site. Please enjoy my pasta analogy that I could not resist.

🍝 Noodle – This is the initial stage where ideas are just starting to form. Typically these are motivated by conversations with my community, as life is happening. It informs what I’ve been going on about, noodling on, etc. Did you know that I invite subscribers to vote on Monthly Noodles in my email updates?
🥘 Simmer – After the initial excitement of the noodle stage, the idea moves into a simmer. This phase allows the idea to develop complexity and flavor. It’s a slow period of refinement, where the idea is iterated upon, further researched, and updated.
🤌 Al Dente – The perfect bite, texture, and softness. If we “cooked” this idea any longer, it would lose its charm. There’s a satisfying crunch that cannot be disputed, and is sure to leave a long lasting impression on its consumer.

 Topics I am building my second-brain around.

Read what you came for, explore what you didn’t.

  •  Stories – A space for excellent storytelling, for people who enjoy reading. Let these stories inspire you to tell your own!

  •  Technology🙈 This section is in the works! Discussing web technologies, DevOps, AI, cloud, and more – it is going to get nerdy here!
  •  Theories🙈 This section is in the works! Explorations into various coined theories (eg. ‘Bucket Theory’). Piloted in the real world first, I am bringing these ‘in real life’ conversations to a digital, more permanent home.
  •  Design🙈 This section is in the works! See how engineering and design can work in tandem to create practical, appealing outcomes.
  •  Recipes – Approachable, repeatable, mostly meal-prepable recipes. These are the ones my friends are nagging me for.

  •  Poetry🙈 This section is in the works! Not strongly metaphorical, these poems might be funny, a riddle, or wordplay. These are written for people who might not like poetry, like myself, ironically.

 Why book a consultation?
For personalized guidance, brainstorming, or collaborations.

On my company website, Vertico Labs, I provide strategy and technical implementation sessions. However, these tend to be heavily focused on digital products in the tech sector and with medium-sized businesses.

Here on my personal site, I offer a more holistic consulting approach that addresses the broader impacts of business decisions on everyday life. My background isn’t just technical; it’s also deeply rooted in risk-taking and practical problem-solving. Launching a tech startup in the midst of a pandemic and steering it to a successful exit has taught me the real-world stakes of venturing beyond conventional “W2” employment. I understand the challenges that come with significant changes and taking risks, regardless of the industry.

I’m here to offer guidance, mentorship, and collaborative support to those who are:

  • Contemplating a major life or career change
  • Overwhelmed by starting something new and substantial
  • Seeking to align their professional endeavors with personal fulfillment

The core of what I hope to provide is reliable support for those in need of a brainstorming partner—someone to help navigate the complex decisions that shape our lives.

Also note, it is okay with me to ramble utter chaos into my consulting form. The most important thing to do is to get support early before panic and overwhelm set in. Explaining your situation and why you need support will only help to expedite the process.

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I like to work directly with business owners to do things like:

  • 💡 Strategic Visioning

    Crafting mission statements, defining product visions, and developing overarching roadmaps to guide your business’s future direction.

  • 📍 Priority Setting

    Establishing near-term business priorities for the next three months with clear, achievable outcomes, and providing a flexible framework for longer-term goals up to a year.

  • 📒 Operational Documentation

    Assisting in the creation of essential business documents, processes, and training materials to ensure clarity and consistency in your operations.

  • 🦉 Knowledge Management

    Developing comprehensive internal knowledge bases, defining roles and responsibilities, and creating onboarding materials to enhance team coordination and efficiency.

  • 🌱 Growth Strategy

    Advising on expansion decisions, developing expansion theses, and strategizing for market exploration to ensure sustainable growth.

  • 🧐 Vendor Relations

    Managing vendor relationships and evaluating deliverables to ensure they meet your business standards and objectives.

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